What Is Important Concerning Virtually Any Apparition Can Be The Concept.- By: Belinda Smith

Description : The Message of Peace

"Queen of Peace," is the title with which the Blessed Mother stumbled on the visionaries in Medjugorje on June 25, 1981. "PEACE, PEACE, PEACE!" Reconcile with each other. If the world wants to be saved, it has to seek the way of peace; now it's going in the way of perdition."

Peace may be the first and most important message of our own Lady. Conversion, Prayer, and Fasting will require us to Peace which is the first fruit of Christ the Messiah.

For the 6th of August 1981 if the clock was marking 6:15 inside the afternoon, there appeared on the horizon the Slavic word "MIR" in great shining letters, which suggests PEACE. All those who were seen in the area and neighboring town saw this phenomena that lasted about fifteen minutes.

At the beginning of 1984 Our Lady repeated: "Peace is at crisis; be brothers among yourselves once again; convert; increase your prayers as well as your fasting; the world will not be able to save itself without peace; however, the planet will find its peace whether it returns to God."

In their own message to the Holy Father, Our Lady returns to the message of Peace: "I have come to Medjugorje to bring the word 'PEACE' and I want the Holy Father to consider it to all the world."

We have to first seek the PEACE in our souls, that we may be able to communicate it to all others. "Put the PEACE of God inside your hearts is Our Lady's recommendation; live it yourselves first, then spread it around."
What it's all about of Conversion

Another word Our Lady repeats frequently is: Conversion. "Tell all my sons and daughters, tell all of the world, and as soon as possible, that I wish for their conversion. I shall pray that God may not put you to the test. You cannot know, you can not know or imagine what God is getting ready to send upon the world should you not convert!"

At the beginning of the appearance Season of 1983, Our Lady recommended to everybody that they should prepare well for Christmas:

"Purify your hearts, enter within yourselves, confess your own personal sins and change your lives."

"Many Christians," says Our Lady, "are only registered inside the Parochial Archives, and do not remember they may be Christians. Others go the Church without really living their faith. Christians should be for others a living sign, helping these phones convert and save themselves. All must convert."

Actually, what calls the maximum attention in Medjugorje are the numerous and great conversions.
The material of Prayer

Our Lady appearing in Medjugorje asks us to get more prayer, both personal as well as communal. Through your own prayer we will deepen more inside meaning of PEACE; with prayer in the community we can receive help from the gifts and faith of others.

Our Lady said: "You all have forgotten it is through prayer and fasting that wars are dispelled, and when they have already started, they will stop. Even natural laws can be suspended (that means, miracles could happen)."

"There are many Christians who will be weak because they pray little; others who do not believe, because they do not pray. We've got to come back to prayer. The minimum is: one Creed, seven Our Fathers. seven Hail Marys, seven Glory Be on the Fathers: five of these will be recited in honor of the five wounds of Jesus. one for that intentions of the Holy Father then one to pray for the Gift in the Holy Spirit.

Speaking about the prayer for the Holy Spirit, Our Lady said: "People don't know how to pray. Many go to Church and the Shrines only to be healed of the physical maladies, or to request particular graces, and not deepen in their own faith; that is pure fanaticism. Very few pray for your Gift of the Holy Spirit. What is important is to pray for the Gift with the Holy Spirit; if they have this Gift, they are going to lack nothing, all other things will be theirs."

"What is most necessary is prayer. Require the Holy Spirit into the future down on earth, then all can be clear, and the world will change:'

"Pray every day to the Holy Spirit. All you are asking for is material things; which means you have not understood what you are actually told."

Father Tomislav Vlasic made the comment with an of the pilgrims: "We Christians read lots of books, but pray little. We have developed a number of theories and also have created laws, complicating us altogether." Our Lady tells us: "If you want to be happy, lead a humble and straightforward life, and pray. Don't complicate your problems, leave the resolution to God. Deepen your prayer. You can find everything through prayer. fasting and passion for neighbor."

"Man does not live by his work alone," Our Lady told us in another message, "but by prayer too."
Prayer thorough

Our Lady in Medjugorje, says Father Tomislav, has insisted on two types of prayer: one that serves all - the Rosary, the seven Our Fathers, seven Hail Marys. seven Glory be towards the Fathers, and the Creed; and the other, she asks the prayer groups for Reflection (meditation).

Jelena Vasilj (youth in Medjugorje reported to obtain inner locutions from Our Lady) told Father Tomislav, "Once Our Lady invited me to hope the Rosary with her. I began doing this as I have learned in Church, yet she made me see it was not the correct way: you are praying it only with your lips. You need to collect yourself, sitting down quietly and think of nothing else; come into your own self."

"Through the Priests," says Our Lady, "I wish to bring all mankind on the depths of prayer."

"How was Jesus capable to pray all night? What was the method Jesus used in His prayer?" the Spiritual Director asked Our Lady from the visionaries.

Our Lady responded: "Jesus a great longing for God as well as a great longing for saving souls. Behold His method!"

On February 1984 Our Lady told Jelena. "When I tell you all: Pray, pray, pray, don't realize that I mean only an increase in your time of prayer. No! A few things i really want is to bring you all to your continued longing for God." This is prayer in the radical force of their strength; a continued longing for God.

On Holy Thursday of the same year, Our Lady told us through Jelena, "Let me reveal to you a spiritual secret: in order to be stronger through temptations, create a living conscience within yourselves; this means, pray a great deal in the morning and browse a passage of the Gospel, engrave the term of God in your hearts, welcome it actively and live it throughout the day; by the afternoon you will be stronger.

The Prayer that Our Lady of Medjugorje teaches the visionaries is often a prayer of entrustment and total rely upon God. Many times she insists about this matter of utter importance: "Pray, fast and entrust yourselves to God."

The entrustment may be the goal, the end itself of prayer. Concurrently it is prayer and fasting, the instruments that will help us to entrust ourselves to God. Some individuals do severe penance but they never entrust themselves to God. It's easier to fast than to entrust ourselves to God.

"Place yourselves before Jesus with the strength," recommends Our Lady. "Ready to do all He tells you to accomplish." And that you may know more concretely God's Will: "You must walk with your priests. Do what your ecclesiastical authorities let you know." The apparition shows a deep respect for the authority with the Church.
Prayer in Community and in the Family

I would feel deeply happy, insists Our Lady, "if families would pray thirty minutes in the morning and half an hour within the afternoon. Their work will be better.'

According to one of many visionaries, Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo, "In these last days, the devil is now more aggressive than ever, especially against families and marriages. If before there are dissensions and breakups, now things are getting worse. Each one of us is experiencing it: we're no longer able to live next to the other person. All have something to state against the other."

"Some marriages have ended," Mirjana continues telling us, "and have terminated in divorce." Our Lady declared that in order to stop these phenomena, and avoid its expansion, it is necessary that we pray united: prayer in a family. A lot more, Our Lady has concretely told us how the prayer of the family is the symbol of the very powerful remedy there is. Another remedy would be to always have a sacred object exposed in your house, and the home should be blessed with great frequency."

Our Lady is asking us Christians to help you Her with our prayers: "You must tell the faithful," she tells the visionaries, "that We need their prayers, Prayer and Sacrifice, in order for there are such few sinners which have converted. Many of the Christians live as pagans. In truthfulness, there aren't many believers."

The recommendation given us by Our Lady is the fact that we restore in our homes the sacred images of Jesus and Mary which have been taken away from many homes; she calls us also to make our consecration to her Immaculate Heart. She herself has given Jelena some types of consecration.
Inner locutions and the prayer group

At the conclusion of May 1983, Our Lady told Jelena: "Tell your Priest that I want a Prayer Group, formed out of the youth, because they are more liberated to consecrate themselves to God deeply as well as to my Heart. All those who would like can also participate, although those who work or are dedicated to marriage will find it more difficult to find time for this."

Our Lady wants this group to get the inspiration and model of other groups she hopes will be formed in other Parishes.

The prayer group Our Lady requested began gathering in prayer with great enthusiasm at the outset of June 1983. She spoke to them on their second time, always through Jelena.

"Great, however, while you have gathered yourselves for three long hours of prayer you do not stop looking at our watches to see at what the time is over. In this way you will never bring yourselves for the depths of prayer n your spiritual life. Stop taking a look at your watches, stop thinking in your business allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Then you shall see how well you will be doing in your responsibilities and you may still have plenty of time. Allow the Holy Spirit to assist you.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Many christ-followers during the many years coming in Medjugorje to find out all these reasons for this position and they reserve Medjugorje pansion as accommodation.